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E-commerce offers brands increased opportunities post Covid-19, Group M report
17-07-2020 | 13:58:00
WPP’s media investment arm GroupM, has unveiled its latest white paper on what ‘life after lockdown’ portends for brands across Southeast Asia.

Impact of COVID-19 on business performance will be short lived, CMOs reveal
06-07-2020 | 11:44:00
Even as many companies continue cutting back on marketing budgets as a result of Corona virus, 73 per cent of Chief Marketing Officers expect the pandemic’s negative impact to be short lived.

Dutch companies push for sustainability in Covid-19 recovery, climate agreements
24-06-2020 | 13:19:00
Dutch businesses under a coalition have committed to champion sustainability as a key driver in the COVID-19 recovery plans at both national and European Union (EU) level.

World population deepens bond with tech amid Covid-19, Dentsu Aegis Network survey
18-06-2020 | 11:55:00
About one third of the world population believe tech has enabled them to connect with friends, family and the world around them during lockdown.

Online media consumption declines as lockdowns lift, Mindshare tracker
21-05-2020 | 14:10:00
WPP’s agency Mindshare has released the fourth ‘New Normal’ COVID-19 tracker that polled 1,000 persons in each market across 10 global markets.

Multinationals extend ad spend squeeze amid COVID-19, WFA tracker
15-05-2020 | 15:34:00
Large multinationals world over could scale back on spending as the impacts of coronavirus continue to take a toll on businesses, the latest World Federation of Advertisers, WFA, Covid-19 Response Tracker shows.

Corona crisis redefines digital marketing mixes, Gartner
08-05-2020 | 10:27:48
As the novel corona virus pandemic continues to disrupt how businesses operate, brands are innovating by going digital in what now presents an opportunity for marketing leaders.

Consumer behaviour differ across markets during Covid-19, Mindshare
06-05-2020 | 11:51:00
WPP media agency Mindshare, has released the latest ‘New Normal’ COVID-19 tracker, its third so far that has been monitoring consumer behaviours in the wake of coronavirus crisis.

Apple and Google partner on Bluetooth-based contact tracing
28-04-2020 | 15:08:00
Tech giants Google and Apple have announced a new partnership focusing on the use of Bluetooth technology to help governments and health agencies reduce the spread of the virus.

Coca-Cola commits $100 million to COVID-19 relief efforts
28-04-2020 | 14:52:00
The Coca-Cola Company has pledged over $100 million in support for COVID-19 relief efforts in communities across the world.

Coca Cola channels marketing spend to support Covid-19 relief efforts
25-04-2020 | 13:54:00
The Coca-Cola Company is channeling its marketing resources into relief efforts as the world grapples with the corona virus crisis.

Covid-19 affects millenials household income more, barometer
25-04-2020 | 13:43:00
Millenials and Generation Z are feeling the impacts of the coronavirus more severely than any other generation as their household incomes become depressed according to the latest Covid-19 Barometer.

VICE captures hopes and fears of youth amid Covid-19 in new report
23-04-2020 | 10:53:49
Up to 87 per cent of Millenials and Gen Z have invested in limiting the spread of Covid-19 a new report by global independent youth media company Vice Media Group posits.

Netflix, Netherlands Film Fund launch kitty for affected productions
23-04-2020 | 10:51:00
Netflix has announced it will invest one million euros in Netherlands to bolster a new relief fund targeting film and TV productions struggling in the wake of coronavirus crisis.

SpotX in Video PSAs partnership with media owners on tackling Covid-19
22-04-2020 | 15:26:21
Global video advertising platform SpotX has partnered with its media owner partners worldwide in tackling the corona virus crisis.

Philips unveils portal for digital exchange of patient data
16-04-2020 | 13:31:23
Philips has launched an online portal that allows Dutch hospitals to seamlessly share Cobid-19 patient data among themselves as efforts to keep the pandemic at bay escalates.

Publicis Groupe announces strong action amid coronavirus crisis
16-04-2020 | 13:23:00
French advertising firm Publicis Groupe has posted a 17 per cent growth in net revenue for the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period last year.

[Column] Penny Whitelaw: Fashion ecommerce opportunities amid Covid-19
10-04-2020 | 13:36:00
We are living in unprecedented times. The widespread outbreak of coronavirus has created uncertainty across industries, fashion retail being particularly vulnerable.

KLM, Philips partner on special air bridge between Amsterdam and China
10-04-2020 | 12:23:00
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has partnered with Royal Philips and the Dutch government to create a special cargo air bridge between the Netherlands and China

Uber for Business expands Eats platform to more markets
10-04-2020 | 12:21:00
Uber for Business has announced the expansion of its Uber Eats product to more than 20 countries in 2020 with initial launches in United Kingdom, Canada, France and Brazil.

Heineken announces measures to tackle Corona virus crisis
09-04-2020 | 13:36:00
Heineken has announced a raft of measures it has been implementing since the outbreak of Covid-19 to cushion and support employees and the communities in which it operates.

Eighty per cent of multinationals defer campaigns amid Covid-19, WFA
09-04-2020 | 13:08:00
Four out of every five marketers in major multinationals are postponing planned campaigns due to the Coronavirus crisis.

WPP unveils cost reduction plan to tackle corona crisis
02-04-2020 | 16:58:00
The world’s largest advertising company WPP has suspended its £950 million share buyback plan, cancelled dividends and frozen any 2020 new hires and salary increments in a raft of cost reduction measures.

Global ad market to record single digit growth amid COVID-19, Magna
31-03-2020 | 11:19:00
Slower sales and profits coupled with a lull in business activities occasioned by the coronavirus crisis are set to take a toll on global advertising.

Cola-Cola stops advertising to focus on COVID-19
31-03-2020 | 08:02:00
Soft drinks multinational Coca Cola has announced that it is suspending all advertisements for its brands effective April.