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[Startup Interview] Xander Groesbeek, CEO, Rate My Meeting, The Netherlands
24-06-2020 | 14:44:00
Rate My Meeting is a Dutch startup that works with professionals and companies to improve meetings, their inclusivity, effectiveness and employee satisfaction.

[Startup Interview] Brian Munanga, CEO, SmartBuild, Zimbabwe
21-05-2020 | 13:50:50
SmartBuild, a Zimbabwe startup, is simplifying the process of building and renovating houses by providing a platform where clients requiring such services can get quotations from a number of experienced contractors.

[Startup Interview] Kat Mrozi, Founder, Xaka Consulting, Mozambique
04-05-2020 | 14:32:00
Xaka Consulting is a Mozambique startup that offers a bouquet of human resource services among them leadership and management programmes, soft skills for all type of work-force, quality control, procurement and business intelligence, international grants