[Startup Interview] Kat Mrozi, Founder, Xaka Consulting, Mozambique
04-05-2020 14:32:00 | Editor: Pie | hits: 5031 | Tags:

Xaka Consulting is a Mozambique startup that offers a bouquet of human resource services among them leadership and management programmes, soft skills for all type of work-force, quality control, procurement and business intelligence, international grants management, monitoring and evaluation processes.

It also provides specialized training services with a portfolio of more than 500 tailor made courses in 6 languages and local dialects.  The startup’s founder Kat Mrozi Guerreiro explains.

Introduce your company

Xaka Consulting was incorporated in 2016 in Mozambique, as a response to the national market demand to have a professional training company that combine best international educational practices and local content.  

Our carefully selected team includes experienced trainers in business and at the same time advanced in communication areas such as: Neurolinguistics, Coaching and Applied Social Psychology, that for more than 20 years share their passion for training.

We are a young and energetic start-up, always hungry to grow and to present new innovative ideas in learning...read the full interview here