[Startup Interviews] Amber van den Putte, Founder 2glimpse
11-04-2018 19:20:03 | Editor: Max Vlugt | hits: 5813 | Tags:

Amber van den Putte is Founder & Owner of 2glimpse, a new travel concept. 

What is 2 glimpse?

2 glimpse is a new travel concept. During their holidays abroad, many people wonder, 'who lives behind that beautiful big door?’ Do they live their lives just like me? We travel more than ever before, from a city trip to a 3 week holiday on a tropical island. We are more and more experienced as travellers. We are always looking for more authentic experiences and to learn about local knowledge and culture. Today’s traveller wants to see, feel and learn how people in other countries with different cultures live. The traveller wants to get inspired.

In addition, more and more people want to limit their footprint.

2 glimpse responds to these developments. Through 2 glimpse’s platform, people from different countries, who are curious about daily life in another country, can meet with each other using the existing resources. You have the possibility to travel to another country, but you also have the opportunity to welcome someone in your own home. This way, you can also have an international experience in your own home.

You can currently create a free profile on the website and indicate who you are and what kind of experience you are after. Furthermore, you can indicate whether you want to be host, guest or both and in which countries you are interested.

The exchange itself takes place without money changing hands. The idea behind this is that you get the best experience when no compensation is expected. An experience like you would give or receive from your family or friends.

Why did you start 2 glimpse?

The idea of 2 glimpse originated in 2016. My children are attending a school with bilingual education. This school organizes many exchanges. The children have been to Germany, England, Ireland, China and India.

In December 2016, my eldest daughter went to India. The Indian mother told me that my daughter should take her running shoes as she herself went regularly running in Mumbai early in the morning. She said that it was so beautiful to run at half past five, while the sun is rising and the city is still empty.

My daughter didn’t think getting up that early to go for a run with an Indian woman the best idea. So, she did not take her running shoes with her. For me, on the other hand, it seemed like a wonderful experience to run with an Indian woman early in the morning. I wondered if it was also possible to organize exchanges for adults. I searched for the possibilities, but unfortunately, I did not find what I was looking for. That is why I decided to start a platform myself.

Who is the owner of 2 glimpse?

I, Amber van den Putte, am the owner and have founded 2 glimpse

How and where is 2 glimpse located?

2 glimpse is located at the flexible working community at Good Place 2 Work in Rotterdam.

How is 2 glimpse financed?

I have financed 2 glimpse with my own resources.

What distinguishes 2 glimpse from other businesses in the industry?

The innovative thing is that 2 glimpse assumes that your daily life is special to someone else. There are various organizations that focus on exotic, mostly developing countries. Very interesting and educational but 2 glimpse believes you can learn and experience a lot close to home.

Besides experiencing daily life, an exchange in businesses can also be arranged. Following someone who has the same profession as you can give you new ideas to give you a better interpretation to your work.

Furthermore, this concept offers a new travel idea: not traveling yourself, but showing someone from another country your environment and life. Because of this, people who do not want or can travel abroad can still get the experience of a different culture. Moreover, you learn to look at your own environment with different eyes. You learn to appreciate your own environment a bit more.

What is it clients want from you? 

Experienced and adventurous travelers look for authentic experiences. The current traveler wants to see, feel and learn from the life of others. Traveling has evolved into the need for a meaningful experience. All people have a valuable daily life that’s worthy of showing others. 2 glimpse believes that your ordinary life is an experience to someone else. On the platform people get the opportunity to find someone whom they wish to exchange cultures with.

What does 2 glimpse need to grow?

2 glimpse needs familiarity abroad. The concept works best when there is a wide choice of people in different countries.

Furthermore, I am looking for an IT-partner to improve the platform.

What are 2 glimpse’s International ambitions?

2 glimpse wants to become known worldwide and to be known as an alternative way of enjoying holidays. Besides the usual holidays, it would be nice if in a few years’ time 'glimpsing' also belongs to the usual relaxation Glimpsing provides inspiration and a better picture of the world’s diversity.

What will 2 glimpse be doing in 2018?

2 glimpse went live in December 2017. The goal of 2018 is to reach 250 profiles, this has been tightened. 2 glimpse wants to have 250 profiles before July 1st.

Are you helping to achieve this ambitious goal? Share this with your foreign friends. Create your free profile and follow us on Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram.



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